1. Arduino Stepper Motor Tutorial
  2. Arduino Stepper Motor Examples

The first thing to do is hack the USB-Serial adapter. There are nine pins, but you only need three. The way a serial connector works is by sending 5v logic signals to say it’s ready to send or receive a message, along with that message itself. Instead of sending any messages, we’ll just be using those 5v logic pins. The data transmit pin is possible to use, but would require an IC to decode it (like a shift register), or a transistor to amplify the weak current it sends. If you do that, binary ‘0’ is a high voltage on RS-232 and binary ‘1’ is low.
On the serial plug, there is a guard around the pins which you might want to remove to make it easier to solder the pins, but you don’t need to. I was lucky that the pins on the serial plug were hollow. I could clip off the ends and slide a wire inside them which held it in place as I soldered. Solder a wire to the DTR, RTS and ground pins. Solder one to the Transmit Data pin (TD) if you want to play around with that too. Since this part will not get hot when operating the circuit, you can insulate it using a glue gun if need be.

Non-blocking control of stepper motors on Arduino. Stepper motors are ideal for 3D printers, robots, mills and lathes; you can program them to rotate by very precise amounts. To spin the stepper motor slower, just increase the delay between the high and low pulse, i.e. But can be a bigger problem over longer distances. I am trying to control a stepper motor with Arduino DUE and Ethernet Shield. My idea is to use the arduino as a stand alone device, to log on to and control the stepper. So far I have managed to start, stop and change the direction of the motor. Arduino - Control Step Motor Precisely via Web. Controlling a step motor by rotating a plate on web.

Control an arduino uno with motor shield over serial.

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  • The String->float conversion: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=179666.msg1331654#msg1331654
  • AFMotor: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Motor-Shield-library
  • Tutorial: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-motor-shield/af-stepper-class
  1. Clone the repository to your sketchbook folder.
  2. Connect a Motor Shield v1 with a Stepper Motor.
  3. Burn it to your Arduino UNO.

Serial: 115200 8N1

Send Command: Carridge Return (r)


  • gp? -> GET position
  • spsN -> Step to N position using SINGLE
  • spiN -> Step to N position using INTERLEAVE
  • stsN -> Step N positions using SINGLE
  • stiN -> Step N positions using INTERLEAVE
  • stof -> Step one forward INTERLEAVE
  • stob -> Step one backward INTERLEAVE
  • sh -> Step home SINGLE (send home)

Gamestar black edition das ultimative kompendium the elder s. NEMA2:

  • gbp? -> GET position
  • bpsN -> Step to N position using SINGLE
  • bpiN -> Step to N position using INTERLEAVE
  • btsN -> Step N positions using SINGLE
  • btiN -> Step N positions using INTERLEAVE
  • btof -> Step one forward INTERLEAVE
  • btob -> Step one backward INTERLEAVE
  • bh -> Step home SINGLE (send home)


  • v0.2: I added a secondary stepper (28BYJ-48) to my setup, and I duplicated the code (Very, very lazy programming) to include commands for the new stepper.
  • v0.2.1: I changed the second stepper to another nema, so I changed the setup value and the name.
  • v0.2.1: Added a button to the labview code, to switch between steppers.
  • v0.2.1-raw: A trimmed down version for a single Stepper contolled with L293D.

Arduino Stepper Motor Tutorial

LabView GUI

Arduino Stepper Motor Serial Control Over Ip
  • Created with LabView v14.
  • Created an initial demo LabView GUI for the Arduino code (NEMA only).
  • Covers all arduino functions. No extra functionality/calculation.
  • With tooltips on the GUI.
  • Creates a settings file and command log (if enabled) to the default LabView Data folder.
  • If you need help, open an issue, so I can track them.
  • If you have any suggestions, open an issue.
  • If you use the repository give a star. It is good to know, that someone uses the code you have written.
  • ISSUES with Arduino Leonardo:
    • The Leonardo board does not support the Motor Shield v1.
    • The Leonardo board does not handle SerialEvents. FIX
  • For the Leonardo I created a raw edition

Arduino Stepper Motor Examples

  • A trimmed down version which only needs the Stepper library.
  • Created for Leonardo+L293D+28BYJ-48
  • Uses the same NEMA commands, and works with the LabView GUI.
  • Pin 12,11,10,8 are used for the drive. Pin 13 is for enable/disable chip.
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