Create data gird view in C# with modern user interface for your Windows Forms applications Home >WinForms UI Controls >User Manual >Grid Rows in C# The Kettic Data Grid Control has the ability to display the summary rows while applying the grouping feature, or show total rows which have result values calculated from the functions like Sum, Count, Min, Max, Average, etc. Whatâs more, these results can be completely customized as necessary. There are two types of rows in Data Grid Control, the Data Rows and the Structure Rows. Row Types of Data Grid ControlData Rows in Grid A data row in the grid stands for a record that is from the Data Source and the Kettic Grid Control contains a row collection which offers the methods to add or remove items. When users of the Data Grid Control are building the data rows, the property, GridRowElement.IsSelected allows users to check if a grid row is in the state of selected or not. This property supports multiple rows selection as the value of MultipleSelect property is True. Structure Rows in Grid The structure rows in Grid contain FilterRow, HeaderRow, and Add New Row. The FilterRow will be enabled by setting the value of the Grid.EnableFilter or GridTemplate.EnableFilter property to true. The GridHeaderRowElement object stands for the header element. And the new row element can be added by the Add New Row option according to the GridTemplate.AddNewRowPlace property. Properties of Data Grid Controls When the row represents the data from the data source, it uses the GridRowInfo class. And the key properties are listed below.
Customize Rows to GirdView in C#.NET The following are details that shows how to create customizing data rows and cells to GridView for C# Windows Forms applications, such as accessing and Iterating through grid rows, adding and inserting rows, removing rows, creating formatting rows, pinning rows, create rows selection expressions, selecting rows under conditions, and drawing and painting rows. | .NET WinForms UI Overview.NET WinForms UI Features.NET WinForms UI GuideC# WinForms UI DesignVB.NET WinForms UI Design WinForms UI Controls |