Download the.deb file of your choice, having previously done a search on Arch and AUR repositories. If your file is not listed, you can go through debtap. The ideal is to go into admin mode by inserting the command: Su. Go to the directory where your package is located and proceed as follows (minergate is here as an example): debtap minergate.deb. Arch Linux provides package management facilities similar to those found in other modern Linux distributions. This is a guide to common package management operations. Before proceeding further, make sure your package databases are up to date with. 'How to install package.deb in Archlinux'. Ok, first you must install package dpkg from AUR Archlinux. Monday, 21 January 2019. How to install PhpStorm in Arch Linux. January 14, 2016. Install Yaourt di Arch Linux. January 4, 2016. Install Netbeans 8 Archlinux. December 27, 2014. So I was thinking of installing Arch Linux but one thing that worries me is having to use pacman. Every software is usually available as a deb package but I'm not sure if it'd be available for pacman since I've never seen it listed officially by any software.
WebTorrent is an excellent application available for cross-platforms. It works like a charm for viewing and streaming music using peer to peer Torrent protocol.
The WebTorrent application is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms. It is an open source torrent client built on Javascript and uses WebRTC for peer-to-peer connection support.
The WebTorrent is made especially for legally streaming content from Internet Archive, music from Creative Commons, and Librivox audiobooks. The user interface of the WebTorrent is pretty simple and fluid. No need of waiting for downloading, just open the file and stream right away.
In this article, you will learn to install WebTorrent on all Linux Distros.
WebTorrent is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux with Ubuntu and Debian packages. Downloadable source-code package which can be used for every kind of Linux OS is also available in the official downloads page.
Ubuntu is a most popular distro of Ubuntu and always get the first preference for any kind of package support.
sudo dpkg -i webtorrent-desktop_*_amd64.deb
sudo pacman -S git base-devel
git clone
cd ~/Downloads
makepkg -sri
cd ~/Downloads
su -
dpkg -i webtorrent-desktop_*_amd64.deb
apt-get install -f
In the Fedora, install the WebTorrent using the below commands.
That’s it. Now you’ve installed WebTorrent on your Linux machine. I hope you liked our tutorial, if you have any query, please message me in the comment box below.
Brief: Snaps are Canonical’s way of providing a cross-distribution package management system. In this article, we will see how to install and use snaps in various Linux distributions.
You might be hearing about Snap applications these days. Canonical describes Snap as a universal Linux package which can work on any distribution.
Snaps are basically an application compiled together with its dependencies and libraries – providing a sandboxed environment for the application to run. These are easier and faster to install, can receive latest updates and is confined from the OS and other apps.
An application can be packaged for every Linux desktop, server, cloud or devices in the form of snap. For an application developer, maintaining different package formats and subsequent updates is a pain, which Canonical in the form of Snaps has tried to overcome. It has worked well because more and more applications are now providing Snap packages.
In other words, instead of worrying about DEB packages for Debian/Ubuntu, RPM packages for Fedora etc, you can use Snap package that would work on all Linux distributions with Snap support. Telcordia sr 332 handbook of texas county.
Before you Snap packages, you will have to install snapd. snapd is a management environment that handles installation and updates of snaps. Installing snapd will enable Snap support on your Linux distribution.
Let’s see how to install it for different Linux distributions.
If you want to use Snap applications on Linux Mint and other Debian or Ubuntu based distributions, use the command below:
snapd is available in Arch User Repository. Run the below command to install and enable it.
snapd is not officially included for OpenSUSE. To install in Tumbleweed use the below commands:
Once the package is successfully installed from the community repo, enable the systemd unit.
Once you are done with the snapd installation, it’s time to see how to use it. We have already covered Snap commands in detail. Here, I’ll just quickly list out the most useful Snap commands.
You can search different snaps and install it. There is a Snap store which holds different public and private apps (or snaps) for clouds, desktops, devices etc.
Anyone can publish a snap in the store, however, you only see the snaps that are published to the stable release and has been reviewed. Use the below command to search for a snap:
Once you found the snap you are looking for, you can install it with the below command:
You can use the below command to see the snaps you have installed along with their versions and the developer:
Snaps are updated periodically to their latest version. In case you are trying to do it manually, type in the below command in the terminal:
To remove a snap
With different Linux distributions running different package managers and formats, there is no single way of installing an application in every Linux distribution the same way. Snap can be the solution to this problem, over-coming the installation issues (like a missing library) and making sure you are running the latest version!
What do you think about snaps? Do tell us in the comments.