1. The cracking sound from the ankle occurs when the opposing bones of ankle joints are moved apart from each other, which creates a gap and pressure change resulting in formation of bubbles within synovial fluid.
  2. Any joint popping or cracking that is associated with pain may indicate damage to the articulating surfaces of the joint. Such pops, cracks, creaks, and clicks could be due to tissue damage, such as a tear in the meniscus of the knee, but are sometimes due to an overly large or loose meniscus which may snap over the other structures in the joint as the knee bends and straightens.
  3. Popping and cracking sounds usually aren't signs that something's wrong. “A lot of joints crack and the knees. Or the joint lining moving over bones. If you have cracking or popping.

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But it's extremely normal for people's joints to crack, and the reason why it makes a sound isn't that freaky at all. Why Do Bones & Joints Crack So Much? Effects On Health. Body • Fitness.

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Q: Are noisy joints a sign of arthritis?

A: Sometimes. Some joint noises are signs of arthritis or other underlying disorders.

Published 19/03/2013

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Do your knees creak? Does your neck crack? Do you get clicking noises in your ankles, wrists or hips?

Are you worried these noises are a harbinger of arthritis, or some other debilitating condition that sometimes accompanies advancing years?

There's no denying the joints in our bodies can make a weird and wonderful array of perplexing sounds, says Dr Michael Vagg, a lecturer in medicine at Victoria's Deakin University.

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Constant Cracking Of Bones

But do we need to see someone about those strange snaps, pops or crunches or are noisy joints better ignored?

Usually, if there are no other symptoms, you don't need to lose sleep over noisy joints, says Vagg, who is also a pain specialist with Victoria's Barwon Health. But he admits it's hard to give a blanket answer because there are so many different sorts of sounds.

Harmless pops

The most common noises are what he calls 'benign pops or high-pitched snaps'. These are thought to occur when the fluid-filled sac within joints gets stretched by a sudden change in joint position. The resulting pressure and volume change, 'pulls some dissolved gases out of solution [from the joint fluid] and the gases make bubbles that are unstable and pop. And it's the popping that makes the snapping sound'.

This is thought to be the source of the sound produced when you crack your knuckles. ('Well, it's the best hypothesis anyone's come up with' Vagg says.) And the evidence from long term knuckle crackers is that it's harmless. But you don't have to crack your knuckles to create these sounds. Any movement that causes a sudden change in joint volume will do it. But it has to be rapid; the same movement done more slowly won't produce a crack.

'For example, my ankle sometimes cracks when I run,' says Vagg.'It doesn't crack when I walk. The same movement with a bit more weight on the joint, changes the volume more quickly so it happens.'

Muscle tightness in the neck can also cause these pops: 'As you try to turn your neck, there is resistance, which builds up pressure in the joint and then the joint moves suddenly and creates a pop.'

Rubbing and grinding

While pops are probably innocuous, other rubbing or grinding noises, known as 'crepitus', can be a sign of damaged cartilage or inflammation.

When cartilage deteriorates it creates a rough surface and can even leave parts of bone exposed, Vagg says. The creak and grind of crepitus occurs when the rough surfaces or exposed parts of bone rub against each other. This is osteoarthritis and the noise is most common in the knee and the neck. And it can progress.

Unfortunately, once you become aware of these grinding sounds, there's little you can do to prevent further cartilage deterioration. Osteoarthritis is primarily controlled by your genes, although keeping your weight under control can help reduce symptoms.

Confusingly, your degree of cartilage degeneration may not correlate closely with the amount of pain you feel, Vagg says. It seems to depend on how pain signals are amplified or dampened down in the brain but no-one's sure what influences that.

Severely painful crepitus is best checked out by a health professional. In rare cases it can be caused by a fracture; the two broken fragments of bone rubbing together is what makes the noise.

But if worn cartilage is thought to be the cause, you should try to continue to be as active as possible, Vagg says. This is because cartilage has a poor supply of blood and 'relies on movement to milk blood in and out' and so, obtain nutrients. But it would be wise to minimise high-impact activities – sports like basketball, netball or anything involving repetitive jumping – which can aggravate symptoms and possibly speed up the deterioration in cartilage.

Some forms of painful crepitus might be helped by physiotherapy to correct muscle weaknesses affecting the stability of joints.

Tendon noises

Tendons rubbing over bones can also cause crepitus. This usually happens only when the tendon is quite inflamed from repetitive movement, so you will probably notice the pain before the noise. It commonly occurs in the Achilles tendon at the back of the ankle – especially in long-distance runners – or in the long tendon in your forearm (often seen in weekend kayakers).

'The sheath of the tendon gets irritated and swells really significantly and you get this real grinding noise. It's because the tendon is not gliding smoothly in the sheath.'

If this happens, a short burst of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory tablets or rub-on gels may be helpful. You might also want to try cold packs to help reduce inflammation and speed healing. You are best to 'nurse it along' by reducing activities rather than giving the tendon complete rest, Vagg says.

And the loudest sound any human joint is likely to make is when the Achilles tendon ruptures. It can sound like a gun being fired because of the enormous tension the tendon is under when it's released, Vagg says.

'I've heard it,' he says of a tennis match he was watching when the injury struck a female player. 'It was incredible. She went down like she was shot. She was in agony.'

The bottom line

The bottom line is that noise plus pain is much more likely to be an indication of a problem needing medical input than a noisy joint alone. But if in doubt, ask your doctor or physiotherapist to check it out.

Loud, low-pitched 'clunks' can be a warning sign of serious joint problems, especially in children.

How To Stop Cracking Joints

'In children, there are some clunks that can be quite important,' Vagg cautions. Partially dislocated hips that are not diagnosed for instance can wear cartilage out at a very young age, causing life-long disability.

'But if you're an adult hearing just a bit of crepitus or cracking, it is more likely to be just a bit of 'getting old'.'

Cracking Of Bones And Joints

Dr Michael Vagg is a clinical senior lecturer at Deakin University's department of medicine. Sage 50 premium accounting 2014 canada download laws. He also works as a pain specialist for Barwon Health. He spoke to Cathy Johnson.

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  2. http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/features/the-truth-about-vitamin-d-vitamin-d-food-sources
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  14. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/arthritis/in-depth/arthritis/art-20047971
  15. http://www.webmd.com/arthritis/ss/slideshow-keep-joints-healthy
  16. http://www.stmaryhealthcare.org/helpfultipsforboneandjointhealth
  17. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/arthritis/in-depth/arthritis/art-20047971?pg=2
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  21. http://www.stmaryhealthcare.org/helpfultipsforboneandjointhealth
  22. http://www.stmaryhealthcare.org/helpfultipsforboneandjointhealth
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